Top things to do in Albertirsa (Hungary)

Explore the Hidden Gems of Albertirsa, Hungary

Welcome to Albertirsa, a small town located in the northwestern part of Pest County in Hungary. The town is known for its rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and warm hospitality. As you wander through the streets of Albertirsa, you'll discover a unique blend of local traditions and modern amenities. Here is a list of top tourist attractions in Albertirsa that you shouldn't miss.

Kocsányos Tölgy (Pesti út)

If you are a nature lover, Kocsányos Tölgy is the perfect place to visit. It is a 200-year-old oak tree that is a national monument of Hungary. The tree stands tall in the Szoborkertben Park, welcoming visitors to its serene surroundings. Capture the beauty of this magnificent tree and immerse yourself in the peaceful atmosphere of the Park.


Dolina-völgy (Nature Preserve)

Dolina-völgy is a nature preserve in Albertirsa that is home to a variety of flora and fauna. The valley is surrounded by lush green trees, giving it a unique charm. Take a hike in the valley and enjoy the fresh air and breathtaking views. You can also spot rare birds and animals in their natural habitats.

Pino Pince Hinta (6MV4+XW)

Pino Pince Hinta is a unique attraction that you won't find anywhere else in the world. It is a winery located in a small village near Albertirsa. What makes it unique is the fact that it has a swing inside the wine cellar. Visitors can sit on the swing and enjoy the beautiful underground cellar while sipping on delicious wine.

Albertirsai Gyurgyalagos (Nature Preserve)

Albertirsai Gyurgyalagos is a nature preserve that is home to a large population of European rollers (gyurgyalag). These birds are known for their vibrant colors and beautiful songs. The preserve is located in the heart of Albertirsa, making it easily accessible to visitors. Don't forget to pack your binoculars and camera to capture the beauty of these magnificent creatures.

URL: Nature preserve Albertirsa, Unnamed Road

Albertirsai Urunk Színeváltozása Templom (Erzsébet tér)

Albertirsai Urunk Színeváltozása Templom is a Catholic church located in the heart of Albertirsa. The church is known for its unique architecture and beautiful stained-glass windows. It is a must-visit for anyone interested in religious history and culture.


200 Éves Emlékmű (Pesti út)

200 Éves Emlékmű is a monument that commemorates the 200th anniversary of the Treaty of Trianon. The monument is located in the center of Albertirsa and depicts the map of Hungary. It is a symbol of the town's patriotism and love for its country.


Harangláb (Kossuth Lajos u.)

Harangláb is a bell tower located on Kossuth Lajos Street in Albertirsa. The tower is a symbol of the town's heritage and is an important landmark. Visitors can climb to the top of the tower and enjoy panoramic views of the town.


Geodéziai Mérőtorony (94-es)

Geodéziai Mérőtorony is a tower located on the 94-es highway in Albertirsa. The tower is used for measuring land and is an important tool for cartographers and geographers. Visitors can climb to the top of the tower and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding area.

Elhagyott Tanya

Elhagyott Tanya is an abandoned farm located in the outskirts of Albertirsa. The farm is a reminder of the town's agricultural history and is a popular spot for photographers. Visitors can explore the old buildings and imagine what life must have been like in the past.

Attila Domb

Attila Domb is a horse racing park located near Albertirsa. It is a popular attraction for horse racing enthusiasts and tourists who want to experience the excitement of the races. Visitors can also take a horseback ride in the park.


Ócsa Öreghegyi Pincesor

Ócsa Öreghegyi Pincesor is a wine cellar located in a small village near Albertirsa. The cellar is known for its delicious wines and cozy atmosphere. Visitors can sample different types of wines and learn about the local winemaking traditions.


Szent Jakab Sétány (Láp u.)

Szent Jakab Sétány is a pedestrian walkway located in the center of Albertirsa. The walkway is lined with beautiful trees and is a popular spot for a leisurely stroll. Visitors can enjoy the town's architecture and landmarks while taking in the fresh air and beautiful scenery.

A Falu Fája Ceglédbercelen (Pesti út 81)

A Falu Fája Ceglédbercelen is a nature reserve located near Albertirsa. It is a popular spot for hiking and exploring the local flora and fauna. Visitors can relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings while taking in the beauty of nature.



Albertirsa is a hidden gem that is waiting to be discovered. From its natural beauty and historical monuments to its wineries and horse racing park, there is something for everyone. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse yourself in the town's charm. Plan your visit to Albertirsa today and experience the best of Hungary's countryside.